Hi and welcome to my blog where you can see the research, planning and pre-production work of a new music video for Daft Punk's Around The World. You can also find on here sample footage, rough cuts, behind the scenes and other vodcasts, weekly podcasts, and ongoing reflection on the process. Please use the links list provided to quickly find what you looking for!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Vodcast 4: Magazine Ad Conventions

Here is a vodcast of me discussing the conventions of magazine ads, as well as giving some of my ideas for our ad.

Vodcast 3: Initial Audience Feedback

Here is a vodcast showing some initial audience feedback for the genre, artist and music video idea.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Preliminary Audience Feedback

I have begun audience feedback by posting a questionnaire on thestudentroom.co.uk and leedsmusicforum.co.uk for people to reply to. I have also attempted posting on a couple of other large music forums however it's not been possible due to posting restrictions. The questionnaire is below.

1. Can you name these artists? 
a) http://www.songslover.pk/tracks/images/david_guetta.jpg
b) http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2010/7/27/1280248643033/Daft-Punk-006.jpg
c) http://ericyealland.com/weblog/uploaded_images/oizo-716639.jpg
d) http://www.musikmigblidt.dk/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/deadmau5-dj-e1291473790263.jpg
2. Can you name the tracks or artist on this video? 
Track A:
Track B:
Track C: 
3. Do you like electronic music? 
4. Do you own a Daft Punk album? 
5. If Daft Punk released a 'best of' album would you buy/listen to it?

I have also begun filming people give audience feedback.

TC - Our Target Audience

Typical Male Target Audience. 

  • Fashionable clothing from high street brands,
  • Uses face book and you tube either at home or on mobile device to listen to music or watch videos.
  • Wears music related clothing
  • Interested in a range of genres
  • Goes out clubbing or to concerts/gigs regularly
  • Has a disposable income to some extent (those not at uni)
  • Goes to festivals and would travel to see a act or band
  • Shops at top shot, river island and other similar stores 
  • Downloads music on I tunes and owns an MP3 phone and I pod
  • Facebook Likes might include, deadmou5, Adidas, band facebook pages
  • TV watched could include the simpsons, Family Guy, Game of Thrones

Typical Female Target audience.

  • Goes out to night clubs
  • Similar interest to boys but prefers female vocal singers 
  • Enjoys dressing up to go out
  • imitates celebrity fashion and appearance, still a sense of aspiration
  • Disposable income spent on going out, clothes , accessories
  • watches videos on mobile device and at home
  • Music videos played very often in the house
  • Uses you tube, Facebook and twitter as well as other sharing sites like Instagram.
  • Facebook Likes might include, Rhiannah, Radio 1, Annie Mac.
  • TV shows regularly watched, Big brother, the apprentice, come dine with me 

Friday, 23 November 2012

WL - Shooting Schedule #3

Now that we have extended our idea to include a new character the traveller, we are going to get some initial footage and experiment with costumes. The idea is to make the traveller look wacky and enigmatic and we hope to achieve this look in the footage. This is also important as we can get feedback on the outfit and make improvements for the next shoot. 
Footage we hope to get:

  • Traveller leaving house
  • Footage with costume
  • Party sequence footage with DJ decks
Location - Tom's House
Equipment - HD Camera, Fig-rig, Tripod
Group member - Tom

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Magazine Ad Research and Audience


The magazines that I looked at all share a similar audience to that of Daft Punk. Through looking at advertising information, Facebooks fans and Twitter followers and magazine content, I was able to create a profile of the most common readers. Generally, the readers were male, 18 to 25 year olds within the ABC1 demographic.


Mixmag is a British magazine that focuses on (electronic) dance music. It is a long running magazine, starting in 1983 and has a loyal following. Below is a document showing information about the magazine including advertising info.

The reader profile included highlights some key characteristics of the audience for the magazine and subsequently our music video. The audience is predominantly male with a median age of 24. They are mostly urban, single and 'the opinion formers and leaders in clubbing'.

The audience is likely to cover the ABC1 demographic. 

DJ Mag

DJ Mag is a monthly British magazine dedicated to Electronic dance music and DJs, founded in 1991. It has around 120,000 readers a month, the most of who are 18 to 25 year old males. It's audience predominantly covers the ABC1 demographic.

DJ Mag's website features a list of the top 100 DJs, which it considers Daft Punk to be the 44th best. This shows that fans of DJ Mag are also likely to be fans of Daft Punk.

DJ Mag Top 100 DJs
DJ Mag's mission statement is to provide 'an engaging platform for reaching a youthful audience who are inspired by dance music.'


NME is a music journalism publication in the United Kingdom, published weekly since March 1952. The magazine isn't focused on electro house music but it does appear quite regularly; Daft Punk were featured on the homepage of their website (below).

The average age of its readers is 24, 69% of who are male. 65% of their readers are classified ABC1. 52% of NME's readers are working full time, 7% working part time and 29% are still studying.

Daft Punk featured on NME home page
The readership of NME don't fully cover the Daft Punk fan base, but there will be a lot of crossover.

Monday, 19 November 2012

WL - Animatic

This an animated storyboard with clips of sample footage and possible locations throughout hopefully giving you a better idea of what the video is going to be about.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Aesthetica Short Film Festival

On Friday we went to the Aesthetica Short Film Festival in York. We were able to see video screenings and masterclasses from people in the film industry.

When we arrived we went to watch music videos which were being shown in White Stuff (the clothes shop). My favourite videos from the ones we saw we Paul Weller - Dragonfly (directed by Franck Trebillac at Soup Factory) and Miracles Club - Church Song (directed by Judesays at Team Video) as I think both videos visually represent the songs well and are interesting as they have produced something you wouldn't see very often in music videos today.

We then went to our first masterclass by Barry Ryan who is head of production at Warp Films. This was interesting because he went over the history of Warp Films as well as giving loads more information which will help us in our exam resit.

We then had 10 minutes to go to another screening, and me and Will went to the comedy screening and watched a short film called Cook Book, directed by Andrew William Robb. What was interesting about this film was that there was no dialogue but it still managed to get across the comedy.

Finally we went back to York Theatre Royal to watch a masterclass from BAFTA nominated cinematographer Danny Cohen. Danny was interviewed by a woman and they talked about aspects such as framing and reasons for making certain choices when filming.

Overall it was good.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Vodcast 2: Conventions of Electro House Music Videos

Here is a vodcast of Me Tom and Will talking about the conventions of electro house music videos that we have found from watching and deconstructing them.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Shooting Schedule #2

The next shoot will involve filming mountain biking footage on the moor. The footage could potentially be used in the final product. We are still experimenting with a new song choice so we are going to have to see how the footage links in with different songs. This shoot can also be used as part of the location scout.
What we hope to film: 

  • Mountain biking footage
  • Moors scenery 
  • Location scout
Location - Ilkley Moor
Equipment - HD Camera, Fig-rig, Tripod
Group member - Tom