Hi and welcome to my blog where you can see the research, planning and pre-production work of a new music video for Daft Punk's Around The World. You can also find on here sample footage, rough cuts, behind the scenes and other vodcasts, weekly podcasts, and ongoing reflection on the process. Please use the links list provided to quickly find what you looking for!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

WL - Shooting Schedule #18

This next scene is for a busking encounter. Once we've done this we should have enough footage to fill our next rough cut. We will go down to the train station in Ilkley to film a staged scene with Andy playing the traveler.

Footage to film:
  • Busking encounter
  • Train station footage 
Location: Ilkley
Equipment: Tripod, HD cameras
Group members: Tom, Will, Andy

Podcast 7: Production Plans

Production Schedule

Below is our three page production schedule. It lists scenes to be filmed, who has filmed them and when/if they are done. It is regularly updated.

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Daft Punk New Album

Daft Punk have signed to Columbia and will be releasing a new album this year. More information can be found on nme.com.

Friday, 25 January 2013

WL - Shooting Schedule #17

In the morning Me and Tom will film around the all saints church in Ilkley and possibly get footage inside. After we will meet up with Andy and film the Bakery sequence to add to the footage from that we got earlier. Again this will depend on them letting us film and how busy it is. Then we will do the charity shop, hopefully we can get lots of footage in this shoot for a long encounter which could be quite effective. Then we can head back up to school to upload clips.  

Footage to get:
  • Church footage/encounter
  • Bakery encounter
  • Charity shop encounter 
  • Cut aways

Location: Ilkley 
Equipment: Tripods, HD Cameras, Figrig
Group Members: Tom, Will, Andy

Monday, 21 January 2013

WL - Shooting Schedule #16

Tom and Andy are going into Leeds to film a break-dancing scene and hopefully get some footage on the train and around Leeds. Tom had booked studio space at Leeds met university to film another encounter.

Footage to get:

  • Breakdance encounter
  • Leeds footage
  • Train footage

Location: Leeds Met
Equipment: Tripod, HD Camera, Figrig
Group Members: Tom, Andy

Thursday, 17 January 2013

WL - Shooting Schedule #15

Tomorrow morning we will be filming two more encounters for our video. We are going to attempt to stage a magazine seller in the middle of Ilkley. We are going to do this in the morning in order to make sure the streets are not to busy. We are also going film in the park to get some general footage of the traveller on swings etc. 

Footage to get:
  • Magazine encounter
  • Park footage 
  • Walking footage
Location: Ilkley
Equipment: Tripods, HD cameras, Figrig
Group Members: Tom, Will, Andy

Magazine Ad Original Images

Below are the only two images used in the magazine ad. The rest was created using Photoshop tools and a font downloaded from dafont.com.

I used Photoshop Elements 2 on the school computer to make the advert, however I found the software to be hard to use because it's so old so it doesn't do much good. I will be making another magazine advert with Charlie in it, but I won't be able to do some of the ideas I originally came up with because they would require us to buy a suitcase that opened of a similar style.

Monday, 14 January 2013

WL - Shooting Schedule #14

Tomorrow we are going to try and film more of the encounters as well as the scene with the taxi. 

8:45 - Meet at my house to get equipment and head off to film taxi sequence
9:00 - Film taxi scene 
9:30 - Train station encounter 
10:00 - Skateboarding in the street 
10:30 - Head back to school to meet Andy
11:00 - Film lift sequence 
11:30 - Upload footage at school and head to lunch
13:00 - Head to do hairdresser encounter
14:00 - Big Issue seller 

Final Magazine Ad

Below is the final version of the double page magazine ad and flyer ti be used in our video. Following audience feedback I have added a shadow to the text the right side of the ad. I have also given the sticker a torn look as people told us that they weren't sure that it was a sticker.

Friday, 11 January 2013

WL - Shooting Schedule #13

On saturday we are going to be filming up on the moors to get some extra footage to go in our rough cut. We are also going to try and film in the bakery for another encounter depending if they will let us and how busy the shop is. Tom will play the traveller for the first part where as me and Andy will film. 

Footage to get: 
  • Misc walking
  • Cut away shots
  • Bakery encounter
Location: Ilkley 
Equipment: Tripod, Figrig, HD cameras
Group Members: Tom, Will, Andy

Thursday, 10 January 2013

WL - Dummy Audience Feedback

Some feedback gotten on the original design for the Digipak. Hopefully we can use this to improve the digipak. Most people enjoyed the old worn style of the front cover and the embossed look. However, the back cover could have done with some improvements. 
The text which made up the track listing on the back could have been clearer or possibly used a different font. They liked the attention to detail on the back as well and the record logos. Overall good but some improvements need to be made including using original imagery.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

WL - Shooting Schedule #12

In the afternoon we are going to film Tom and Andy in the an encounter in Ilkley. Tom is going to do magic and card tricks and Andy will play the traveler for this scene. This will be a quick encounter with plenty of close up shots and wide angles on Tom's hands. This will give us more footage towards our next rough cut. 

Footage to film: 
  • Magic Encounter
  • Cut away shots
  • Traveller walking
Location: Ilkley
Equipment: Tripod, HD cameras, Figrig
Group members: Tom, Will, Andy

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Shooting Schedule #11

The next shoot we hope to be able to film a number of encounters with the traveller. This will include the taxi scene and putting the CD in the car as well as Skating, buying a ticket and lift sequence. These will be filmed in a variety of locations around Ilkley and in school. This will be filmed over the course of a Tuesday morning giving us a chance to film all the footage. The taxi scene will be filmed with Tom's car. These should help us fill in footage for a lot of the song.
Footage to film:

  • Taxi sequence 
  • Train station encounter
  • Skateboarding 
  • POV shots
  • Travelling footage
Location: Ilkley station, Back alley, School
Equipment: Tripod, Figrig, HD cameras
Group Members: Tom, Will, Andy

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

WL - Shooting Schedule #10

This shoot will be at Leeds train station. We hope to get footage here which can be added to the train station encounter as well as general footage for cut aways etc. Again there may be issues with filming inside the train station as there was with the airport, however hopefully we can use a hand held camera to not draw attention. 

What to film:

  • Cut away shots
  • Misc footage
  • Train arriving
Location: Leeds station
Equipment: HD camera
Group Members: Tom

WL - Digipak Feedback

Initial Digipak Design
Final Design

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

WL - Shooting Schedule #9

This is going to be a small shoot in Leeds filming misc footage with busy streets and cut away shots to be used in our video. This footage is going to be filmed in the city centre and using some industrial locations.
Footage to get:

  • Miscellaneous shots
  • Cut away shots
Location: Leeds city centre
Equipment: HD camera
Group member: Tom