Hi and welcome to my blog where you can see the research, planning and pre-production work of a new music video for Daft Punk's Around The World. You can also find on here sample footage, rough cuts, behind the scenes and other vodcasts, weekly podcasts, and ongoing reflection on the process. Please use the links list provided to quickly find what you looking for!

Monday, 14 January 2013

WL - Shooting Schedule #14

Tomorrow we are going to try and film more of the encounters as well as the scene with the taxi. 

8:45 - Meet at my house to get equipment and head off to film taxi sequence
9:00 - Film taxi scene 
9:30 - Train station encounter 
10:00 - Skateboarding in the street 
10:30 - Head back to school to meet Andy
11:00 - Film lift sequence 
11:30 - Upload footage at school and head to lunch
13:00 - Head to do hairdresser encounter
14:00 - Big Issue seller 

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