Hi and welcome to my blog where you can see the research, planning and pre-production work of a new music video for Daft Punk's Around The World. You can also find on here sample footage, rough cuts, behind the scenes and other vodcasts, weekly podcasts, and ongoing reflection on the process. Please use the links list provided to quickly find what you looking for!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

My Role in the Mini-Vid

My role was to do most of the camera work and film the mini-vid. I also had to be in the video so was playing guitar in the background at a couple of points. I thought that the shoot went well and we got some good footage, but I think next time we need to take a tripod with us as the footage is very shaky which doesn't suit the tranquil mood of the location in the music video.

I also helped edit the video with Sean and Will, where we added some layering and effects to improve the footage and make it fit with the song.

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