Hi and welcome to my blog where you can see the research, planning and pre-production work of a new music video for Daft Punk's Around The World. You can also find on here sample footage, rough cuts, behind the scenes and other vodcasts, weekly podcasts, and ongoing reflection on the process. Please use the links list provided to quickly find what you looking for!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Video Idea for People Are Strange by The Doors

We had to come up with an idea for a music video for People Are Strange by The Doors, using the written lyrics to help us think of something.

My idea was to have a singer standing on a busy street with other people walking past him as though he is not there. There would be loads of different types of people walking but all would have emotionless expressions on their faces and be walking in straight lines, not paying attention to whats happening around them.

All of the ideas from people in our class were very similar which I think is because of how limited the range of possible readings of the song lyrics is.

Our ideas were also similar to the video used by The Doors, which is below.

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