Hi and welcome to my blog where you can see the research, planning and pre-production work of a new music video for Daft Punk's Around The World. You can also find on here sample footage, rough cuts, behind the scenes and other vodcasts, weekly podcasts, and ongoing reflection on the process. Please use the links list provided to quickly find what you looking for!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

WL - Digipak Audience Feedback

I went around the 6th form centre and asked people questions about the different versions of the digipaks i've made. 

I asked the people questions such as which design they prefered, why they liked the different designs and whether the design would appeal to the target audience. 

First I showed them the original design idea with the suitcase. People liked the simplicity of the design and the embossed text effect as well as the globe in the centre. They also liked the details on the back of the digipak and the record labels logo. However, they said they would have prefered for the text on the back to be clearer and to possibly change the fonts in the pack. They also said that the bolts on the front of the original image obscured some of the text. When asked whether they thought it would stand out to the targeted audience they said yes as the font is clearly recognisable however people thought the design could have been more eye catching.

 When asked about the new design they said they liked the 3d effect on the text. Also the use of original images and look that it was projected onto the scene from the video. They also liked the shadows and the right eye catching font. They also liked the different font and said the track listings where clearer than the previous design. They also liked the framing of the shot on the back cover that is in keeping with the narrative enigma. When asked whether they thought it would appeal to the target audience in comparison to the other design they said it would be more likley to stand out in a record shop and would still be recognisable as a daft punk album due to the font. People also liked the fact it gave them more of an idea of the content of the music video.

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