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Sunday, 3 March 2013

WL - DP Media Appearances And Our Target Audience

Daft Punk have appeared all over the media in recent years with a few notable examples which we can apply to our target audience. 

Daft Punk In DJ Hero
The game DJ Hero featured Daft Punk who provided exclusive mixes for the game and featured in the game itself with their own venue. This would help to appeal to our secondary aspiring target audience of 12+ years old. Younger teens who like dance music but are too young to go to clubs or festivals. This game would help them to experience what it's like to be a DJ without actually going to a party or club. 

Simpsons Appearance
Another Example which appeals to this audience as well as an older audience is the Daft Punk appearance in the Simpsons. The Simpsons appeals to males and females of a variety of ages. The show will appeal to a younger audience with some of the more slap stick comedy involved. An older audience however will understand more of the references in the show and more of the featured characters. This helps to reinforce both of our secondary audiences we have chosen as well as the primary audience. 

Pizza Hut:

Pizza Hut
A good example of an advert which appeals to our primary target audience is the recent pizza hut advert. The song 'Technologic' was used with the lyrics changed to reference the pizza company instead of the original lyrics. This is a good way to get people to watch the original song as well as making a catchy advert. This advert is likely to appeal to students as well as other people in the 15-24 age bracket we chose for the primary audience. This age group often are more likely to order take out food rather than going through the effort to cook for themselves. The advert also offers 50% of orders which is ideal for young people who do not have much money. 

Daft Coke:
Metallic Daft Coke Bottles
In 2011 Coca Cola also distributed limited edition Daft Punk Coke Bottle in France named 'Daft Coke'. These bottles have now become collectors items to certain people. This is a good example of a wide audience appeal as Coca Cola is popular with all age ranges as well genders all around the world. This appeals to all of our selected target audiences primary and secondary.  

  • DJ Hero - Appeal to teenagers and aspiring secondary audience
  • Simpsons - Appeals to all our target audiences male and female 
  • Pizza Hut - Appeals to our primary target audience
  • Coke - Appeals to all our target audiences around the world 
As you can see here Daft Punks appearances directly reflect our target audiences which we have chosen.

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